To become passionate followers of Jesus Christ, children need to grow in their faith and strive for maturity in Christ. We want to do all we can to foster this kind of spiritual growth among children. We offer weekly Sunday school classes for every age group.
GNF Kid's Church is a time for children learn to follow to Jesus through song, activities, and bible. Ages 3 thru 5th grade are welcome to join the whole church during the worship service and will be dismissed part way through the service.
There is a nursery where you can bring your infant (newborn thru 2 years old). You are welcome to stay with your little one in the quiet room or sign them into the nursery. There is a video monitor in the quiet room.
Helping students understand God’s love for them and how Christ meets all of their needs. Before students will become passionate about Jesus, they need to understand a bit about God’s nature. They need to understand that he loves each of us so much that he sent his son to die for us. They also need to understand that in a world full of answers that don’t work, Christ is the only one that provides the real answers and fills our real needs.
Providing students with opportunities to learn about Christ and become Christians. Many students who come to Sunday school or VBS may not know about Jesus and may not be Christians yet. We want to make it clear to them who Jesus is and provide them with plenty of opportunities to accept him as their personal Lord and Savior.
Sharing with students a Christian lifestyle through the nurturing, modeling, and teaching of caring adults. Sunday school teachers play a key role in the lives of our children. For some students, Sunday school is the only chance they get during the week to be taught about Christianity. Learning goes beyond the lessons that are taught, however. Children learn just as much by watching how adults live their lives, how adults treat them and others, what kinds of things adults say, and what adults do in general. Children often learn more from what is caught than from what is taught. The example and commitment of caring adults is essential for communicating to children what a Christian lifestyle is truly about.
Teaching students the Bible for understanding and application. As a church, we value Bible centered preaching and teaching because we believe the Bible is our authority for faith and life. Since we have such a high view of scripture, it is essential that our students are taught what it says and how to apply it to their daily lives.
Offering parents support and training in their God given roles. We believe that students will learn far more from their parents than from anyone else. Because parenting is such an awesome responsibility, we believe we should provide parents with encouragement and Godly training to become better parents. Many parents have questions and concerns about raising their children and we believe Biblical values and principles provide many of the answers. By equipping parents to bring their children up in the Lord, we are helping the children become passionate followers of Jesus as well. We currently offer parent enrichment seminars several times a year.